Category: Lifestyle

How to Choose a CO2 Regulator for Your Cannabis Grow Op

It is clear that in the coming years, the United States prohibition on cannabis is coming to an end. Growers are popping up all over the country as weed is legalized, decriminalized and regulated in state after state. As a grower, you have complete control over your crop. You get to choose your strain, whether you grow indoor or outdoor,

Top 10 Best Dog Training Collars

No matter what, training a dog isn’t exactly easy. It’s usually the case when you start out that the dog has no idea what you’re trying to get them to do and the process is frustrating for both of you. Once you establish a method of communicating, things begin to improve little by little until you’ve got a repertoire of

Top 5 Best Hydroponic Systems for Growing Cannabis

If you are a new cannabis grower, you may be a little bit overwhelmed with all of the gear that you need to get for a successful indoor grow operation. You will need a grow tray, reservoir, hydroponic lights, pots, growing medium, nutrients, ventilation and more. Not only can the price of these necessary items add up, there are so

County health dept. faces major cash shortage, delays to services

*This story has an update below. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – Leaders at the Madison County Health Department are scrambling to figure out how to move forward with $250,000 gone from their budget this year. The State Department of Local Government Finance just cut the Health Department's county-approved budget, saying "…projected revenues are insufficient to fund the adopted budget." "This is something

Top 10 Best Inline Fans for Cannabis Grow Rooms

Growing cannabis hydroponically comes with a lot more equipment and costs than growing outdoors. Indoor growers must purchase just about everything they need, including trays, reservoirs, lighting, pots, growing medium, nutrients, and more. The benefit of purchasing all of this equipment, however, is a more predictable outcome, greater yields and more growing seasons per year. It’s easy to see why

Top 10 Best Dry Cat Food Brands

Just as when shopping for dog food, there are many things to consider when choosing what you’ll feed your cat. You’ve likely heard it before, but the very first thing to keep in mind is that cats are obligate carnivores. This means that they must eat meat as a biological necessity. It’s part of their evolution and something they share

Top 5 Best Hydroponic Watering Systems for Growing Cannabis

When you grow cannabis hydroponically, there are a lot of different factors that need to be handled simultaneously in order to produce a good yield. Your plants need just the right amount of light, water, nutrients, heat and humidity in their environments to thrive. A successful grow ops require a lot of materials, including grow tray, reservoir, hydroponic lights, pots,

‘A Tasteful Affair’ Apr. 17 at Four Seasons

ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI)- The 28th annual A Tasteful Affair will take place on Sunday, April 17th at the Four Seasons in downtown St. Louis. Chef Eric Heat, Jennifer Cleveland and Julie Pole from Food Outreach joined us on the 9 a.m. with more. The event benefits Food Outreach, the St. Louis resource for nutritional support for people battling HIV/Aids

Family wants database of emergency contacts after missing precious moments with late son

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — A Westfield family's tragedy has inspired a bill that would create a statewide emergency contact database to help police officers reach families quicker when their loved one is involved in a serious accident. Joey Harris was just 22 years old when an accident took his life in Hamilton County, but he didn't die immediately. Joey was taken

Top 10 Best Pet Food Containers

The vast majority of pet owners include some kind of kibble or pellet in their animal’s diet. One common factor to almost all of these feeds is that the packaging they come in is terrible for even medium-term storage. Sure, some might be resealable, but they’re usually the cheapest possible Ziploc-style closure that never quite works. Especially on large bags