California Teacher Defies Trump And Houses HUNDREDS Of Illegals, Wakes Up To NASTY Surprise!

President Trump’s recent travel ban had people doing desperate things without much thought beyond just wanting to defy our bold leader. A number of factors, including greed and ignorance, played a big part in one California man taking in hundreds of illegals who had no business being in the U.S. and housing them among several school campuses in the area which he owned. It didn’t take long for his idiocy to catch up to him when he awoke to a nasty surprise that’s going to take a while to recover from.

California Teacher Defies Trump And Houses HUNDREDS Of Illegals, Wakes Up To NASTY Surprise!

Despite what liberals like to believe, Trump wasn’t being a racist bigot when he decided that a temporary travel ban was imperative to citizens’ safety, as well as a formidable wall to protect our borders. These are all just common sense approaches to the reality of the world we live in today that doesn’t allow for a utopia of no rules and open borders. Unfortunately for Leonard Shim (aka. Hee Sun Shim), he didn’t take Trump’s warning seriously and let greed guide what he decided he wanted to do circumvent the rules.

Evidently, Shim couldn’t get enough students to enroll in his schools throughout the Los Angeles valley, so he sought out a way to make money off the massive immigration crisis that’s taken over much of the West Coast state. Shim owns Prodee University/Neo-America Language School, Walter Jay M.D. Institute, an Educational Center, and the American College of Forensic Studies (ACFS), as well as a fourth school in Alhambra – Likie Fashion and Technology College, which he’s been using for the past six years as a “pay-to-stay” scheme. It was easy to get away with this under Barack Obama who couldn’t care less about who was here illegally, but now that Trump’s in charge, this illegal enterprise was brutally brought down for good reason.

With the help of a few other Koreans, like Leonard, the group enrolled hundreds foreign nationals who fraudulently obtained immigration documents, then allowing them to remain in the United States as “students” by falsifying enrollment documents and paying him under the guise of “tuition,” the Federalist Papers reported.

These students had no intentions of getting an education and some even lived outside California after getting the student pass. The scam was figured out when his schools had an unusually high number of foreign enrollees (900), yet there were only one to three students actually attending any of the classes.

Shim pleaded guilty on Thursday to federal immigration fraud charges, including, conspiracy and immigration document fraud and faces a maximum penalty of 15 years in federal prison, and was forced to forfeit $465,000 in cash from the operation. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had conducted raids of Shim’s campuses at the conclusion of an investigation that began back in 2011 while Barack Obama was still in office.

Our former leader let droves of refugees and illegals in and turned a blind eye to countless forms of immigration fraud, all of which was dumped on Trump’s lap when he took office and has put Americans at risk. Rather than questioning what he’s doing now to clean it up, liberals need to ask themselves the real reason Obama allowed this obvious security risk to take place to this extent.


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