Bill Maher Attacks Trump For Not Respecting Women, Then Porn Star Reveals What She Caught Him Doing

Jenna Jameson slammed HBO host Bill Maher for criticizing President Donald Trump’s highly controversial remarks about women — claiming Maher himself has been a guest at the Playboy Mansion.

Jameson, a former porn star, took to Twitter to attack Maher and label him a hypocrite for his comments on Trump’s infamous remarks — which saw the president saying he felt he could get away with grabbing women by their private parts because he was rich and famous, reports HeatStreet.

Jenna Jameson Slams Bill Maher For Trump ‘Hypocrisy’

“Just watched [Bill Maher] for s***s and giggles. You rail Trump about his grabbing p***y statement? Lol I’ve seen you at the PB mansion,” Jameson tweeted.

After a follower responded to Jameson criticizing her for blasting Maher, Jameson said she has proof of Maher’s behavior and that he “fits right in with us ‘p***y grabbers.'”

“My point is that he can’t be shocked at Trumps comments many years ago, when he is truly the deplorable one,” she wrote in a follow-up tweet.

Jameson also later defended Trump, saying that some conversations she’s had with other women made her “blush,” which is “hard to do.”

Many readers applauded Jameson for standing up for the president and putting Maher in his place.

“Bill Mayer is a JOKE, I don’t even understand why he is still on the air!” one Mad World News reader wrote on the site’s Facebook page. “Thank you Jenna for outing him! That goes back to the scripture, Let he that is without sin cast the first stone! I am afraid Bill shouldn’t have cast a stone towards President Trump!”

“Hypocrites they really should just be quiet lord knows most of them have plenty of skeletons in the closet,” another added.

Sources: HeatStreet, Mad World News/Facebook / Photo credit: Bill Maher/Facebook, Twitter via HeatStreet


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