Biased Media Plans to Be Even MORE Biased [WATCH]

Kellyanne Conway is humiliating the biased media, so they’re discussing banning her until she learns to say what they want.

The biased media has tried to marginalize alternative media (which is any media which disagrees with their bias) by campaigning against “fake news.” I have to respect their efficiency. The biased media is attempting to use the alternative media to increase its own power. By labeling them “fake news,” they might get social media to censor them and give the biased media even more undeserved prominence.

And now the biased media is doing the same thing with Kellyanne Conway. According to Mediaite:

Today, GQ reported that New York University journalism professor Jay Rosen has suggested simply not interviewing Conway anymore. During a recent podcast appearance, he said this:

“[T]he logic is, this is a representative of the president. This is somebody who can speak for the Trump administration. But if we find that what Kellyanne Conway says is routinely or easily contradicted by Donald Trump, then that [rationale for interviewing her] disappears. Another reason to interview Kellyanne Conway is, our viewers want to understand how the Trump world thinks. But if the end result of an interview with her is more confusion about what the Trump world thinks, then that rationale evaporates … No, it’s not just lying or spin or somebody who is skilled in the political arts of putting the best case on things or not answering a question, which is a pretty basic method of doing politics. It’s that when you are done listening to Kellyanne Conway, you probably understand less. That’s a problem.”

Lots of journalists are on-board with his suggestion.

They show several examples from twitter.

Here’s Tucker Carlson interviewing such a journalist:

First of all, the real reason that networks were and still are interviewing Kellyanne Conway is because she is a celebrity that people want to watch and listen to, even those that don’t believe her or hate her politics. She is rare among celebrities because she won her fame by actually accomplishing something of significance: she ran the campaign of the winning candidate. Also, on camera, she speaks clearly and never lets anyone intimidate her.

This last point leads the media into a quandary. They like her ability to attract viewers but they hate her poise and courage. Did anyone is the media suggest shunning Sarah Palin? No. Was this because they agreed with her more than they do with Conway? No. Obviously not. They never “shunned” Sarah Palin because, despite Palin’s abilities, they felt they “won,” more often than not, when they put her on the air. The biased media is demonstrating that they are afraid of Conway. They can’t defeat her on the air.

So, they are trying to get a victory from a string of defeats. They want to spin their retreat from allowing Conway to speak as an act of principle. This will set the precedent that they must carefully vet the opposition and only choose the ones who are “helpful.” The biased media is using Conway to give themselves permission to be more biased.

By the way, if you have time to watch the interview below, Conway deals with allegations that she lied. It is obvious that the biased media is worried because she is honest, not because she is lying.

The post Biased Media Plans to Be Even MORE Biased [WATCH] appeared first on The Constitution.


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