Author: admin

Virtual Reality Will Impact Tech Careers

Virtual reality has been a concept for a long time. Several tech companies have attempted to develop useable and worthwhile VR systems in the past with little to no success; that has changed in the recent years, and VR is now everywhere in the tech industry. Large corporations are investing in this technology and most innovations in the VR field

Job Hunting Hack: Get Hired From a Single Post

One simple tactic on LinkedIn can lead to your absolutely ideal job. This approach is especially important if you do NOT have the qualifications, work history, education or experience that would make you a perfect candidate. So, if you have a strong interest or great enthusiasm but nothing on your resume that qualifies you, here’s your LinkedIn job hunting hack.

It Takes Two to Tango – Get Your Agency in Step From the Start

Knowing exactly what information to give away to your new or prospective communications agency can sometimes be tricky. No, you don’t need to tell them what happened at the office Christmas party last year. BUT no, they’re not mind readers either. They don’t know what you want to get out of a campaign or your partnership unless you tell them

5 Powerful Ways to Promote Learning and Collaboration in Your Business

Peter Drucker coined the term “knowledge worker” in 1969 in The Age of Discontinuity. He differentiated knowledge workers from manual workers, forecasting that new industries will employ mostly the former. A few years before his death in 2005, in Management Challenges for the 21st Century, Drucker stated that accelerating the productivity of knowledge workers was “the most important contribution management

5 Digital Marketing Verticals for Consumer Engagement

Marketing strategy has changed significantly over the past ten years. Since the maturation of the IOT, sales and marketing functions have become more closely aligned instead of operating in isolated funnels. The way we learn about customers has evolved, allowing businesses and brands to communicate in a more personal manner to a more refined group of potential customers. If you

3 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Increase Their Luck in Business

Time catches up with us faster than we think. As an entrepreneur, too much opportunity is squandered while waiting for the metaphorical four-leaf clover of luck to appear. Meanwhile, your prospects dwindle on the vine as you ineffectively struggle to reach your goals by merely hoping for them. In reality, if you want luck, you have to be in action.

Leveraging Freedom and Creativity to Impact Retention in Mobile Apps

A great power to use when looking to engage users in an app or product is giving them creative freedom. When people are allowed to be creative, they engage more with a product and once that creativity gets social it all becomes fun, not to mention highly addictive. Moreover, when people are not limited to predefined paths or actions in

Including a “Human Touch” in a Technology-Driven World

Technology is amazing. Amazon’s Alexa knows much more than just my favorite songs. For instance, she knows what types of music I like and makes recommendations for me. And Apple’s Siri knows the fastest way home from the office, taking into account traffic, construction, weather conditions and even special events nearby that might affect my route. I love my automated

How to Use Twitter for Your Small Business

Twitter has earned its spot as a leading social media platform over the past eleven years. Those 140-character snippets can provide tons of organic growth, engagement, and brand recognition for businesses of all sizes. Users latch on to the conversational and up-to-the-minute nature of the platform. If you’re running a small business, incorporating Twitter into your marketing plan is a

How to Ensure Your Charitable Donations Make a Difference

Looking to donate to charity in 2017? You’re not alone. Americans gave a whopping $373 billion to charity in 2015. And while millennials so far have a mixed record in this category—they donate and volunteer with less frequency than any other age group—they’ve also redefined the terms of charitable giving through such innovations as crowdfunding. Sadly, some charitable efforts fall