Author: admin

UFC Fighter Reenlists in Green Berets to Fight ISIS After Trump Drops MOAB [VIDEO]

During an interview on the Fox & Friends Weekend show on Sunday, Tim Kennedy, a former MMA fighter known for his time with the UFC, announced his reenlistment with the US Army. The Green Beret attributed the decision to the aggressive stance the Pentagon has taken against ISIS since President Donald Trump took office. [Scroll down for video] The interview

‘Indianapolis Promise’ aims to give all students access to education beyond high school

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – A new initiative from Indianapolis Mayor Joe Hogsett aims to give all students access to education beyond high school. The 'Indianapolis Promise' was announced at the State of the City address. While the impact of the program would be far reaching, the cost is still unclear. "We must work to ensure that every child in Indianapolis has

Venezuela seizes General Motors plant as property of the state

This news broke overnight and it undoubtedly comes as a shock to anyone who hasn’t been paying to socialism in general and the regime of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro in particular. The government of Venezuela came in and seized control of the General Motors plant in the city of Valencia, taking over the property, assets and accounts. The automotive giant

Repeal, take two: House GOP’s ObamaCare deal may let states opt out of “community rating” for people with preexisting conditions

Biiiiig caveat: Under the deal, states would still have to make sure that people with preexisting conditions are eligible for some sort of coverage. Insurers wouldn’t be allowed to drop them entirely. To obtain a federal waiver from the relevant ObamaCare regs, a state would either have to join a federal high-risk pool for those consumers or set up one

Pence: Talking with North Korea has been a 25-year “colossal failure”

“The shield stands guard,” Vice President Mike Pence told sailors and Marines on the USS Ronald Reagan yesterday in regard to North Korea, “and the sword stands ready.” Diplomacy, on the other hand, has been relegated to the sidelines. In an interview with the Washington Post’s Josh Rogin, Pence calls the diplomatic efforts over the last 25 years to rein

You again? Empty nests refill, marriages postponed, Census study finds

At this rate, the United States is going to need immigrants of all kinds to continue growth. A new Census Bureau study has just reported a sobering commentary on the current generation of young people. “There are now more young people living with their parents than in any other arrangement…What is more, almost 9 in 10 young people who were

California slips further into delusion over courthouse ICE arrests

I realize this debate over ICE arrests taking place at courthouses has gotten a lot of play recently, but there’s one new item on the menu which deserves a quick look. It comes to us in the form of an op-ed published this week from none other than Tani G. Cantil-Sakauye, who is the chief justice on the California state