Author: admin

New hepatitis C infections triple due to opioid epidemic

New hepatitis C virus infections in the United States nearly tripled between the years 2010 and 2015. The number of new nationally reported infections with the virus swelled from 850 in 2010 to 2,436 cases in 2015, with the highest rates among young people, mainly 20- to 29-year-olds, who inject drugs, according to a new report released Thursday by the

Imam: “Muslims Have The Right To Kill Anyone Who Does Not Respect Islam”

A video recently surfaced of an interview with a so-called “moderate” Muslim cleric on a Norwegian TV show. The video has gone viral because it shows an Islamic leader in the West being honest about what Islam teaches when it comes to non-Muslims. In response to questions about Muslim violence against non-Muslims, Mullah Krekar tells Norwegian TV that not only

Liberal Schumer Disgraced By His Own After Attempting To Host An Anti-Trump Meetup

Senator Schumer Tried To Hold An Early Meeting, But Not Everyone Got The Memo. News of President Trump’s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey spread like wildfire. Even though the Democrats were against the now-former FBI Director, they still slammed Trump for his actions. It was after that decision that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) made a request

School Has Brutal Reply After Muslim Issues Threat Over Daughter’s Lunch

Muslim student eating lunch (left), Holaway Elementary School (right) After a Muslim mother from Tucson, Arizona, heard that her daughter had eaten pork for lunch, she began to threaten the school with a lawsuit. However, she never anticipated the school’s brutal reply, and now, she’s even more furious. The Muslim woman, who has only been identified as Nancy, has a

Man Arrested For Walking His Dog After It Offended Muslim Gathering, Charged After Islamic Beatdown

A Man Simply Walking His Dog Was Arrested By Police Because He Was “Insensitive” To Muslims. Dogs have a special nickname for a majority of the world. They are considered “man’s best friend,” especially if they are trained properly. However, Muslims don’t agree with that statement at all. They don’t like dogs, and consider them to be “unclean” animals. Unfortunately,

What Time Will Harry Styles’ Album Be Released Tomorrow?

Harry Styles‘ solo debut is almost upon us. While the last few months have been spent analyzing interviews, delving into the lyrics of each single, and attempting to figure out which musical styles (no pun intended) that Styles will be attempting, his self-titled album will finally be released later this week Friday, May 12th. It is currently available for pre-order

Texas A&M Professor says white people may have to be killed

Tommy Curry is a professor at Texas A&M. Curry teaches “Radical Black Philosophies” and “Social and Political Philosophy.” He advocates “Critical Race Theory.” This is a black nationalist version of Marxist Critical Theory. Among other things, Curry says that black people should talk openly about murdering white people. In a youtube interview, he says that the murder of white people may

Devout “DERADICALIZATION” Imam hailed by NY Times ARRESTED for ISIS jihad terror

Imam Abu Adam Hesham Shashaa, a heralded imam of peace, beloved by the New York Times (much the way they too fawned over Anwar Awlaki until the truth about him was revealed), was arrested for secretly working and fighting for the Islamic State. The Palestinian Imam Hesham Shashaa had been regarded as a kind of “secret weapon” for certain radicalization

Shocking new DNA study reveals that human beings are divided into two genders!

There’s some additional bad news out there for the “party of science” (as the Democrats have taken to calling themselves) and particularly for transgender advocates. But even if you have no interest in such social justice topics, a new study published by geneticists in Israel is still pretty fascinating. The Liberty Council has a report this week on new research

Fraud Fighting Credit Cards

Credit Cards are using more technology to combat fraud including the experimentation of fingerprint scanners and numbers that are change. Follow KTLA Tech Reporter Rich DeMuro on Facebook or Twitter for cool apps, tech tricks & tips!