Author: admin

Assemblyman Dov Hikind on #CancelSarsour Protest: “The problem is the deafening silence.” “We won’t be silent”

Here is the embodiment of what every American should look for in a politician: Hikind is brave, honest and true to freedom. @lsarsour please call our show now 1-800-848-WABC(9222) and challenge what @HikindDov is saying-right now. — Bernie and Sid Show (@bernieandsid) May 23, 2017 Linda Sarsour and the Deafening Silence It’s said that politics makes strange bedfellows. Or as

Manchester Muslim Suicide Bomber: ‘He was chanting Islamic prayers loudly in the street’

Did people report him? Of course not. They would risk prosecution for being racist (even though Islam is not a race) or Islamophobic (an obscene thought crushing device to silence criticism of jihad terror). Just like the neighbors of San Bernadino jihad mass murderers, neighbors noticed strange goings-on at the house of the jihadis, but didn’t alert authorities for fear

Liberals Worry About Muslims’ Feelings After Manchester Bombing

Twenty-two dead, and more than 50 injured — but liberals’ biggest worry, post-ISIS terror attack on Ariana Grande’s Manchester concert, is not for the victims and their families. Rather, it’s for the feelings of Muslims. This, despite the fact some of the killed and injured include the most vulnerable and most innocent of the world — the children. At least


All in the cause of Allah. Quran (2:191-193) – “And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing… but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of

Here is how the Wall Street Journal brainwashes you

Same Newspaper. Same Date. Same Story. Same Picture. The difference between the two editions? Sold in different locations with opposite political views, the Editor decided to push a different side of the same story. It’s a clear case of the media brainwashing the people. And it’s a sad one, because the WSJ is not [yet?] a propaganda machine like Jeff

2017 NBA mock draft: Two star point guards. Then what?

The ping-pong balls have bounced. (In the favor of the Lakers — again!) The NBA Finals are quickly approaching. (Golden State vs. Cleveland — again?!) That all can mean only one thing: the NBA draft is fast approaching. After examining YouTube clips until my eyes went red and poring over roster situations for each of the NBA’s 30 teams, I’ve

Breitbart News Daily: Pamela Geller, “Universities Normalizing Anti-Semitic Voices like Linda Sarsour but Silencing Jewish Conservatives”

If you missed my segment on Breitbart radio talking about our #CancelSarsour protest — listen to this interview and RSVP to the protest here. Now more than ever. Sarsour, a pro-terror spokesperson, should absolutely be canceled in light of the Ariana Grande jihad slaughter. She stands with the jihad. Pamela Geller: Universities Normalizing Anti-Semitic Voices like Linda Sarsour but Silencing

House IT Aides Fear Suspects in Data Breach are Blackmailing Members

Five Capitol Hill technology aides say they’re confused why four former House IT workers who were banned over allegations of data theft have been left largely untouched. Where are the arrests? Imran Awan and three relatives were banned from the computer networks in the House of Representatives after authorities found they were involved with unauthorized access. Police banned Imran Awan

Desgarrador femicidio, publica en Facebook antes de morir: “El hijo de p* me violo durante horas”

Cada vez con más frecuencia, la violencia de género arroja una nueva muerte en Argentina. Ni las constantes denuncias de las organizaciones feministas ni las convocatorias de marchas y concentraciones de repudio logran reducir el número de agresiones sexuales. El último y estremecedor caso ha ocurrido en en Empedrado, Corrientes, Donde una joven de 15 años fue golpeada y violada