Ambassador Nikki Haley Lays Down the Law in the UN

Nikki Haley

“Any country that chooses to defend the atrocities of the Syrian regime will have to do so in full public view, for all the world to hear.”

— Ambassador Nikki Haley

If there was any doubt that President Trump had made the right choice in choosing former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley as the US Ambassador to the United Nations, that doubt has disappeared after the past two weeks.

Haley has proven herself to be a lion among sheep as she has forcefully pushed back on the United Nations across several fronts. First, she forced the organization to back off their incessant Israel bashing. Then she forcefully confronted Syria’s crimes against their own people while simultaneously taking Russia to task for allowing such horrific crimes to take place. Haley, even warned everyone involved that if the UN didn’t take steps to rectify the situation the United States would be forced to act.

“This entire Security Council decided on what the Joint Investigative Mechanism would be and decided what it would do, and it was actually voted on unanimously, and the joint mechanism came back and said that the Syrian government committed chemical weapons acts against their own people three different times. But somehow now we don’t like what the Joint Investigative Mechanism does.”

Then on Friday she rebuked Russia’s good friend Bolivia, for attempting to defend Syria and Bashar Assad behind closed doors.

Here’s what the Ambassador wrote on Twitter earlier today:

— Nikki Haley (@nikkihaley) April 7, 2017

Ouch. That is a powerful statement and one much of the free world is welcoming today.

While Haley denied Bolivia’s request for a closed-door session, they still moved forward in their half-hearted defense of barbarity. Bolivia’s Ambassador to the UN Sacha Llorenti blasted the US attack on Syria and reminded the world about the Bush-era claims that Iraq had WMD’s. (Llorenti was mocking our Intelligence Agencies, but we should point out that the myth of “No WMD’s” has been debunked MANY times since the Bush years. We were right, and Saddam DID have WMD’s.)

“They represent a serious threat to international peace and security. This is an extremely, extremely serious violation of international law…

I believe it’s vital for us to remember what history teaches us and on this occasion, the United States did affirm, they affirmed that they had all the proof necessary to show that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction but they were never found. Never were they found.”

By the way, there are others in the UN who are very happy that the US and Ambassador Nikki Haley are stepping up to once again lead the way in the United Nations.

Haley made an appearance at the Women in the World Summit in New York City and revealed the text message she subsequently received from another member of the U.N. Security Council.

“Thank you for what you said today. It’s so good to see America lead,” the text reportedly read.

Haley insinuated that the message was meaningful to her because leading is exactly “what we’re trying to do.”

The post Ambassador Nikki Haley Lays Down the Law in the UN appeared first on The Constitution.


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