Agency asks lawmakers for money to help neglected, abused seniors

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration is asking lawmakers to make more funding available for a department that investigates and rescues elderly Hoosiers from abuse and neglect.

In a report on Indiana's Adult Protective Services, the FSSA details the money would be used for one more investigator and 18 new case monitors.

The FSSA is also requesting funding for a 24/7 hotline, emergency placement for endangered adults and upgraded technology.

The Indiana Prosecuting Attorney's Council is also asking for more funds to create a three-member forensic team to help APS with criminal cases. Leaders said the senior tsunami is real and the workload is only going to grow as Hoosiers continue to age.

"We know that the most under-reported crimes in America are financial fraud and financial abuse of our elder population. And we know our two perpetrators are family and home health care workers," explained David Powell, IPAC's Executive Director. "We just believe we need to do a better job with it, respond to it. Because the elder population is not going to get smaller. It’s going to get larger and we’re just trying to prepare ourselves for the future impact of that."

Powell said he's not sure if the agencies will get the money requested, but he said they will keep trying until they do.

"We believe the need is there. Anybody that goes out and works and sees these cases and families, you may have, can see the need."


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