Endangered baby goats at KC Zoo need names

Courtesy: KC Zoo

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Two sets of Arapawa goats were born at the Kansas City Zoo in March and if you haven’t made it out to see them yet, the Zoo says you are missing out on some adorable babies!

All four kids are full of energy and on exhibit.

The first set of goat twins was born on March 24 to mom Psyche. It’s one boy and one girl for the new mom; the boy is darker in color with a black stripe on his face while the girl is a lighter brown with more white on her face.

Just a few days later, it was Ladyhawke’s turn to kid. A boy and a girl were born on March 29. It’s easy to tell the siblings apart as the male is darker in color while his sister is a lighter brown.

Even though they are just a couple weeks old, the little ones are already jumping off rocks, running around the yard full speed and even climbing up the ramps and exploring the bridges.

Zoo officials say if their mom ever gets out of sight, the kids call to her and she always comes running.

Courtesy: KC Zoo

Friends of the Zoo (FOTZ) members will have the opportunity to name these ‘new kids on the block.’ Members can stop in Guest Relations and submit goat name suggestions. We will accept suggestions through the end of April and a winner will be announced in May.

Arapawa Island goats are new to the Zoo and are a critically endangered heritage breed found in New Zealand. There are only 150-200 Arapawa Island goats in the United States and twice that many around the world. These goats have a distinctive look. They are medium sized: females weigh 60-80 pounds and males weigh 125 pounds. Both the males and females have beards and horns. They have long hair and facial stripes that run the length of their face.

The zoo is expecting one more set of Arapawa goats in the coming weeks.

Information from Kansas City Zoo news release.

Courtesy: KC Zoo


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