Police: Nurse arrested after stealing drugs from Ball Memorial Hospital in Muncie

MUNCIE, Ind. – An Albany woman was arrested Thursday after she allegedly stole drugs from Ball Memorial Hospital, reports The Star Press.

Alisha Sue, 28, was charged with possession of a narcotic, criminal recklessness and theft.

According to an affidavit, a member of her household told authorities back in September that they found morphine, syringes, pills and other medical equipment in their home.

The witness stated he believe he was abusing drugs due to a change in her behavior.

After checking medical records, authorities discovered the several medications found in the house had not been prescribed to her. In a March 3 interview with investigators, Sue admitted to “having an addiction to opiate pain killers for an extended period of time.”

She was released from the Delaware County jail on Thursday after posting a $5,000 bond


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