Faked hate in Scotland: Muslim teacher forged letter from colleague saying “Don’t trust Muslim teachers”

Another islamofauxbic hate crime turns out to have been nothing of the kind. So very often we see that hate crimes against Muslims turn out to have been faked — mostly so that Muslims can claim they’re being persecuted and that counter-terror efforts have to end. And the authorities fall for this virtually every time.

“Teacher ‘fabricated anti-Muslim letter from colleague,'” by Neil Pooran, STV News, March 10, 2017 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

A teacher has been accused of fabricating an anti-Muslim letter from a colleague to support a claim of bullying.

The letter was allegedly written by Bensalem Dahhan but purported to be from one of his colleagues to another, the General Teaching for Scotland (GTCS).

It was said to refer to “moronic Asians” and the “Shawlands Academy Eid brigade” and suggest not to “trust” Muslim teachers.

Mr Dahhan is accused of anonymously circulating the letter among staff at Shawlands Academy and Hillhead High School in Glasgow in November 2013.

The GTCS alleges he is “unfit to teach” and a hearing is due to take place later this month.

It says Mr Dahhan had brought a complaint of bullying and harassment against his manager, Laura Campbell-Young.

The GTCS claims he circulated the letter anonymously along with a covering note reading: “I have accidentally come across this paperwork in Laura Young’s classroom.”

The letter was addressed to “Laura” from “Anne-Marie”, it states.

One passage of the letter is said to have read: “Don’t trust anyone around you, especially Muslim teachers.

“I say it from bitter experience as you know – they talk and can stab you in the back to support their kind.”

Another passage allegedly said: “It was one of the moronic Asians in the department who must have been the well-wisher.”

A third passage allegedly read: “The Shawlands Academy Eid brigade started congregating in Yahya Shaikh’s classroom.”

Other passages reportedly made reference to a colleague being an “ugly woman” and another being “fat”.

The GTCS claims Mr Dahhan wrote the letter himself and circulated it to support his claim of bullying against Ms Campbell-Young….


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