Hah! 4Chan Users Find Shia LaBeouf’s Secret Protest Location and Replace His Flag with Trump Flag

Too funny!
Far left actor Shia LaBeouf announced in January he was launching a 4 year long continuous anti-Trump livestream where his cult like followers chant “He will not divide us.”

It didn’t take long for the unhinged actor to suffer a meltdown.

LaBeouf was seen on camera the first weekend getting physical with smaller counter-protester.

Shia Labeouf melts down and gets physical with a counter-protester. This is now the second time he's done this. pic.twitter.com/LJU7usDfj6

— Just Call Me Mister (@MisterMetokur) January 22, 2017

Trump supporters frequently crashed LaBeouf’s livestream and took over the camera.

Police later carted LaBeouf away after a very public meltdown on camera.

So LaBeouf moved his protest to a secret location.

Now this…
This week 4Chan users studying the stars, flight patterns and local landmarks found LaBeouf’s secret location and replaced his protest flag with a TRUMP FLAG!

Via Page Six:

Trolls, 1. Shia LaBeouf, 0. pic.twitter.com/JHm44ZobYv

— Page Six (@PageSix) March 10, 2017

The post Hah! 4Chan Users Find Shia LaBeouf’s Secret Protest Location and Replace His Flag with Trump Flag appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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