71 Year-Old Female GOP Staffer KNOCKED UNCONSCIOUS By Far Left Protesters

A 71 year-old female staffer for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) was knocked unconscious by far left protesters at his office on Valentine’s Day.

Rohrabacher Staffer, 71, Knocked Unconscious By Protestors Delivering Cards https://t.co/wJm7PC9Sls pic.twitter.com/BQfUWcitGl

— getliquidized (@getliquidized) February 15, 2017

The staffer Kathleen Staunton was trying to get to the bathroom.

Activists' visit to Rohrabacher's office ends with 2-year-old hit by door, 71-year-old hospitalized https://t.co/rtkBfYpEMd? via @ocregister

— Steve Fryer (@SteveFryer) February 15, 2017

CBS Los Angeles reported:

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher says a 71-year-old staffer at his Huntington Beach office was knocked unconscious during a protest, but the protestors say they were delivering Valentine’s Day cards.

The “assault” on Rohrabacher’s district director, Kathleen Staunton, happened Tuesday afternoon during a protest by a group calling themselves Indivisible OC. Police confirmed they were called to the scene, but made no arrests.

Staunton was trying to exit through the front door of Rohrabacher’s office to visit a restroom when, according to Rohrabacher, a protester yanked the door open, causing her to fall and hit her head. The door also pushed over a 2-year-old child who was apparently brought along with the crowd, but she was not injured, the congressmen said.

Staunton, who has managed Rohrabacher’s office since his first term in 1989, was treated by paramedics and taken to a local hospital, Rohrabacher said.

Rep. Rohrbacher was outraged after the assault.

Rohrabacher Outraged by Assault on his District Director by ‘Indivisible’ Mob https://t.co/7JtYucqsKT

— Dana Rohrabacher (@RepRohrabacher) February 15, 2017

The post 71 Year-Old Female GOP Staffer KNOCKED UNCONSCIOUS By Far Left Protesters appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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