WATCH – ’60 Minutes’ Wanted to Prove Muslim Refugees ‘Peaceful’ – Blows Up in Their Face

Every liberal in our county wants people to believe Muslims refugees pose no threat to our country, but they are all about to find out that is just a blatant lie.

A 60 Minutes crew went to Sweden to do a feel-good piece about the wonderful impact Muslim refugees from places like Syria have had on the nation. What the camera lens caught instead was a violent attack on the reporter and news crew.

The journalists were forced to duck for cover after the Muslim refugees brutally attacked them and forcefully threw objects at them. It does not seem assimilating into the culture of their new land is at all a priority for the Muslim refugees in Sweden, or in many other European countries who laid out the welcome mat for them. This is the truth that we need to spread so real patriots know the truth about the people liberals want to allow into our country.

Liberals want to continue former President Barack Obama’s plan to allow tens of thousands more Muslim refugees onto American soil. Even though Obama’s own intelligence experts warned Congress about the massive problems in the vetting system, the politically correct politicians and their millennial snowflake offspring still favor throwing caution to the wind.

Blindly allowing anyone who wants to come into America the privilege to do so is dangerous. We don’t know who is in our country now, and Liberals want to allow even more improperly vetted migrants, who are potential terrorists, to live among us.

Many Muslim refugees do not want to join our melting pot– they want to destroy it. They believe in Sharia Law and NOT the Constitution! That is the story we need to tell everyone, because it is the truth!

The 60 Minutes crew found out the hard way, and very publicly, just how quickly the supposedly peaceful refugees can resort to violence without any type of provocation whatsoever. When the reporter tried to ask the Muslim men a couple simple questions, the driver ran over the cameraman’s feet!

These are the type of people Liberals like Elizabeth Warren, Nancy Pelosi, and Corey Booker want living in our neighborhoods? Protecting America is the first and most important job of any president. Barack Obama gleefully ignored this sacred duty, but President Donald Trump will not!

ISIS has vowed to infiltrate the swelling ranks of refugees being “resettled” in Europe and the United States. They have reportedly stolen passport printing machines and have been working their plan to sneak into America for many months.

How do we tell the difference between a potential terrorist and a decent person during the lackluster vetting process now used? We are not even sure if the names given by the refugees are accurate, let alone the background information they provide to interviewers. In other words, we have no way of knowing if we are letting a terrorist in or not.

Mainstream media reporters did not rally around the 60 Minutes journalists who were attacked by the Muslim refugees like they did their Russian peers oppressed and attacked by their own government. Nope, they didn’t even bother to cover this shocking story, although they have a duty to educate and warn the public.

How many ISIS jihadists are already here? We won’t know until they are beheading Americans at the local mall, storming the front entrances of elementary schools, or placing pressure cooker bombs under church pews.

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