Michelle Obama: If I Ran Against Trump I Would Have Beaten Him Easily!

Hours after Donald Trump was elected president, Hillary Clinton supporters who were ready for the first female president were already setting their eyes on another powerful figure to represent women: First Lady Michelle Obama.

Obama fans agreed: if Clinton can’t be the first female president, then Mrs. Obama would be the perfect alternative, which is why thousands of people on Twitter were encouraging her to run for president in four years.

The hashtag #Michelle2020 began trending early Wednesday, and pleas for the first lady to consider running for president in four years continued throughout the day. “I truly hope #MichelleObama runs for president in 2020,” one user wrote.

“This would be the most iconic thing to ever happen in history #Michelle2020,” another tweeted.

Dozens of people shared inspirational videos of Mrs. Obama, and some even created their own 2020 campaign posters.

It’s no surprise that people are turning to Mrs. Obama. The popular first lady has a favorable rating of 64 percent — that’s higher than both President Obama and President Trump.

uring a summit for veteran homelessness at the White House on Monday, the first lady finally responded to a person’s cry to, “Run for president!” She then said: ” If I ran for President i would have beaten Trump”.


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