Proof Pelosi Lied about Obamacare [VIDEO]

I wish I could remember the name of the murder mystery novel I read many years ago, but I do recall an evil wife who slowly poisoned her husband.

Every morning he would have a glass of orange juice with his coffee and eggs. One day, he complained that he was tired of the same old orange juice and demanded that his wife get other juices to mix with it. She did and the next morning, his glass of orange juice looked and smelled different. When the husband asked what she had mixed in with the orange juice, she told him to just drink and trust her and that it was good for him. Little did he know that one of the new items mixed into his orange juice was a tiny amount of arsenic. Every morning she mixed his juice along with several other juices and tiny amount of arsenic and every morning he asked what was in it and every morning she told him to trust her. In time, the amount of arsenic built up in the husband’s body and he started getting sick. At first, they thought it was bad food or flu-like bug going around. The husband would get better and then worse again as the wife continued to add arsenic to his morning glass of juices. After a number of agonizing months, the husband got so sick that he died from the buildup of arsenic in his body. A few years later the widow remarried and few years later, her second husband died the same way, with her telling him to drink his juice and trust her, it would be good for him. After the death of her second husband, a detective got suspicious and finally proved that she murdered both of the husbands.

The reason I recall reading this murder mystery was the way the wife kept telling both husbands to trust her, drink their juice and that it was good for them, although they had no idea of what all was in it.

This is the exact same thing that Rep. Nancy Pelosi told America about the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare. Remember when she told us:

‘You have to pass the bill so you can see what is in it.”

The Pelosi told us:

“The Affordable Care Act is bringing the cost of healthcare in our country down.”

And Pelosi also told us:

“Everybody will have lower rates, better quality care and better access.”

According to 2017 health Insurance Exchange Snapshot, published by Avalere Health, it was projected that by this time in 2017 that 23.0 million Americans would be enrolled in Obamacare. Their figure shows that only 11.4 million actually took out healthcare insurance, a deficit of 11.6 million. Less than half of the projected number was actually attained. So much for EVERYONE having insurance and lower rates.

According to the same report, here are how average cost of premiums for the 4 plans have fared since 2014:

Bronze Plan – 2014-$359; 2015-$373; 2016-$408; 2017-$475

Silver Plan – 2014-$434; 2015-$453; 2016-$496; 2017-$554

Gold Plan – 2014-$505; 2015-$530; 2016-$602; 2017-$712

Platinum Plan – 2014-$555; 2015-$645; 2016-$663; 2017-$892

As you can see, the Bronze Plans increased by $116 (+32.3%). The Silver Plan increased by $120 (+27.6%). The Gold Plan increased by $207 (+41.0%), and the Platinum Plan increased by $337 (+60.7%).

In 2014, the average deductible for Bronze Plans was $5,024. In 2017, the average deductible increased to $6,014. The average deductible for a Silver Plan in 2014 was $2,480 and in 2017 it was $3,703, an increase of 49.3%.

What did Pelosi say about lower rates? Clearly, she lied then to the American people and continue to lie to us today as she continues to tell us that Obamacare is the next best thing to sliced bread.

The post Proof Pelosi Lied about Obamacare [VIDEO] appeared first on The Constitution.


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