Liam Hemsworth NOT “Livid” About Miley Cyrus, Nick Jonas Texting, Despite Claim

Liam Hemsworth Miley Cyrus Texting Nick Jonas

(Getty Images)

Liam Hemsworth is NOT “livid” about Miley Cyrus and Nick Jonas texting one another, despite a new report. Gossip Cop can debunk this claim. We’re told it’s “false.”

According to Life & Style, Jonas has been regularly texting Cyrus, and “it isn’t sitting well” with Hemsworth. A so-called “source” tells the outlet, “[Nick] has been sending Miley friendly texts for weeks, and Liam is furious. He told Miley she better tell Nick to back off.” The magazine’s questionable insider further contends, “[Nick] recently decided he really wants to find a girlfriend and settle down,” adding, “He is reaching out to old flames and old friends, and it doesn’t seem to matter whether or not they’re taken.”

Let Gossip Cop set the record straight. A source close to the actor assures us the report is completely “false.” Hemsworth, who is currently in a solid relationship with his fiancé, is not “livid” about Jonas and Cyrus texting each other, nor is Jonas reaching out to old flames in an attempt to find love. It’s simply yet another fake news story seemingly fabricated by the outlet.

Sadly, this is not the first time Gossip Cop has busted Life & Style for its lack of reporting skills. In September, we called out the tabloid for falsely alleging Hemsworth was furious about Cyrus texting former flame Patrick Schwarzenegger. And shortly before that tall-tale, we busted the publication for wrongly claiming Hemsworth and Cyrus were fighting over whether to get married. Much like those made-up stories, this latest one is equally bogus.

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Liam Hemsworth is livid about Miley Cyrus and Nick Jonas texting one another. Sunday, January 29, 2017

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