Planned Parenthood Lying to Protect Annual $500 Million Taxpayer Funding?

Planned Parenthood continues to defend their existence and receipt of over $500 million of taxpayer money every year. They claim that the majority of the services they provide women are have nothing to do with abortions and that abortions are only a small part of the women’s health services they provide.

This rhetoric is repeated over and over by women’s activists, feminists and Democrats nationwide. At the many protests following Donald Trump’s inauguration, many women held up signs in support of Planned Parenthood and the right to murder their unborn children.

The abortion giant tells the general public that they offer pre-natal counseling and care, perform mammograms and cancer screening among some of their broad healthcare services. In 2011, Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards was recorded saying (See video below):

“Prenatal care. These are the kinds of services that folks depend on Planned Parenthood for.”

In 2011, Lori Lamerand, CEO of Planned Parenthood Michigan stated:

“Prenatal care! Um – and that – that is what we want to focus on. That is what is so vital.”

In 2016, Richards supported Hillary Clinton by referring to her as:

“… a president who will fight for prenatal care!”

Recently, the non-profit pro-life organization known as Live Action, launched an investigation, seeking to learn what all healthcare services they provide. The investigation, named ‘Abortion Corporation’ called 97 different Planned Parenthood clinics throughout the United States.

They discovered that 92 of the 97 clinics offered ZERO prenatal care. Additionally, the vast majority of clinics offered ZERO help or services to women who expressed a desire to keep their babies.

According to Lila Rose, President and Founder of Live Action:

“Our investigators who wanted to keep their babies were turned away by 92 out of 97 Planned Parenthood centers. It’s clear that despite its claims, abortion is the priority and the only option for pregnant women that visit Planned Parenthood.”

In some of the telephone calls to various Planned Parenthood clinics, these were the answers they received to questions about pre-natal care:

“Uh, we don’t offer any prenatal care.’

“We don’t offer prenatal care at Planned Parenthood.”

“Planned Parenthood offers abortions, so they don’t offer prenatal care.”

Calling a Planned Parenthood clinic in Tempe, AZ, the investigator was told:

“Planned Parenthood: Thank you for calling Planned Parenthood, my name’s [muted], how can I assist you today?”

Female investigator: “Hi, I was hoping to make an appointment for prenatal care.”

PP: “For What type of service?”

Female investigator: Um, prenatal care. Pregnancy care.”

PP: “We don’t have prenatal care here…”

Female investigator: “Ok, just abortion?’”

PP: “Yeah. Planned Parenthood offers abortions, so they don’t offer prenatal care.”

Planned Parenthood in Athens OH:

“Unfortunately, no, we wouldn’t provide any pre – type of prenatal services here at Planned Parenthood.”

Planned Parenthood in Fort Collins, CO:

“We’re not a prenatal care provider.”

Planned Parenthood in Farmington, NM:

“We specialize in abortions. You know, that’s what our ultrasounds are for.”

Farmington is located in the northwest corner of the state, in Indian reservation country, it also has a significant number of Hispanics as well as American Indians (around a third of the total population of about 45,000).

In a previous Live Action investigation:

“The organization has previously claimed that 3% of the services they provide are abortions. But what they fail to acknowledge is they are defining a ‘service’ as any ‘discrete clinical interaction.’”

“This means, if a woman goes to Planned Parenthood for an abortion and also receives an STI test, blood pressure screening and anesthesia, only 25% of her visit is statistically considered an abortion.”

From the Live Action investigation, it seems that Planned Parenthood has been deceiving the American people and Congress for years, just so they can steal hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayer money for the PRIMARY purpose of brutally murdering innocent unborn children. As Congress works to defund Planned Parenthood, make your voice known to your Senator and Representative. You can also join the 573,00+ people who have signed the Live Action petition by clicking here and scrolling down.

The post Planned Parenthood Lying to Protect Annual $500 Million Taxpayer Funding? appeared first on The Constitution.


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