Important Muslims Come Out in Support of Trump’s Immigration Order

I wonder if this will get the liberal wingnuts to shut their yappers and stop complaining about President Trump’s immigration orders? Probably not…

On Monday’s episode of Fox & Friends co-founder of “The Muslim Reform Movement,” Asra Nomani, spoke out in defense of President Donald Trump and his recent executive order pressing pause on immigration from certain Muslim majority countries.

“I’ve been a journalist for 30 years and I’m really disappointed that the media has unfortunately gone along with this meme #MuslimBan. It’s a propaganda campaign. In communications there is a term called agitprop, it means agitation propaganda. What we see right now is agitation propaganda from a very partisan political movement that lost the election. What I am really disturbed by is when I did a search last night of how many outlets have #MuslimBan in their headlines, they go everywhere from the New York Times to Slate magazine. It’s a disturbing trend where we are inciting fear and doing it very irresponsibly…

We know very clearly that there is an extremism problem that has been exported to the world that reaches the far corners of our societies…”

Nomani continued by discussing the many difficulties facing the Trump administration now and worrying that the partisan attacks would only make keeping our nation safe more difficult.

It’s not just Ms. Nomani who argues that many Muslims support the President’s order, the Independent Journal Review also asked Johnny Walker, a former Iraqi soldier who worked very closely with the American Sniper, Chris Kyle, about the order. Here’s what Walker, an Iraqi Muslim who has battled extremism firsthand had to say:

“I agree 100% with President Trump’s decision. The national security of the United States is a paramount issue.

All President Trump is doing is ensuring that people can go about their day without living in so much fear. Women won’t have to worry about walking around the mall; kids won’t have to worry about going to the school.

Look, these countries don’t have a database that keeps track of its citizens. And we can’t depend on a government database in countries that do, because if they have one it has a political agenda behind it.

It wouldn’t be hard for someone to get into the U.S. whose loyalty lies with ISIS or a militia aligned with Iran. While the militia isn’t necessarily our enemy right now, they don’t have loyalty to the U.S., they are loyal to the interests of the government that funds them. And that government says “Death to America.”

ISIS’s strongholds are in Iraq and Syria. We all know what they want to do to Americans.”

Walker also added that all of the nations on Trump’s list had been overrun by terrorism and that this move was needed for national security purposes. Walker also made it clear that he fully supports President Trump.

“I am in full support of the decision that the president has made. We all need to forget about ourselves and put American lives first. Trump’s decision will help prevent terrorism and the death of more innocent people.”

Walker also laughed off the possibility that the refugee pause (or ban) was racist, reminding his interviewer that other Muslim countries had previously banned refugees.

“What about all the other rich Muslim countries? They banned Muslim immigration from the very beginning. Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Qatar— are they racist, too?”

Don’t let the media fool you folks, not everyone thinks Trump was wrong to institute this pause on immigration. In fact, quite a few loyal Muslims believe it may well be the best way to keep our nation safe.

The post Important Muslims Come Out in Support of Trump’s Immigration Order appeared first on The Constitution.


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