The 1 Executive Order Trump Signed The NO ONE Is Talking About, Now Revealed As Most Critical

Democrats Enraged Over Trump’s Plan To Support The U.S. Military

President Trump closed out his impressive first week in office with a list of accomplishments that feels more substantial than Obama’s full 8-year term. Trump was busy signing executive orders all week, delivering on campaign promises much to the dismay of his vociferous opponents. Many of President Obama’s worst pieces of legislation have already been gutted or placed on death watch by the stroke of a pen.

One of President Trump’s strongest rallying cries on the campaign trail was his commitment to rebuild our military. On Friday, he took decisive action to follow through on that pledge.

Shortly after the swearing in of General Jim Mattis as the new US Defense Secretary, Trump signed two new executive orders, one to begin the “great rebuilding of the US military” according to which US military strength will be questioned by no one, and a second order implementing “new vetting measures” to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States.

Pres. Trump says new executive order will help start a "great rebuilding" of the Armed Forces and allow for new planes, resources and tools.

— ABC News (@ABC) January 27, 2017

“I am signing an executive action to begin a great rebuilding of the armed services of the United States. Developing a plan for new planes, new ships, new resources and new tools for our men and women in uniform — and I’m very proud to be doing that,” Trump said during Defense Secretary Jim Mattis’ swearing in ceremony.

“As we prepare our budget request for Congress — and I think Congress is going to be very happy to see it — our military strength will be questioned by no one, but neither will our dedication to peace. We do want peace.

Trump’s order signals that he believes in the “speak softly, and carry a big stick” doctrine made famous by Pres. Teddy Roosevelt. The aim is to negotiate peacefully, while maintaining a credible threat of overwhelming military force.

It’s a variation of the “carrot and stick” approach used successfully in human motivation. Named in reference to a cart driver dangling a carrot in front of a mule and holding a stick behind it, the phrase refers to a system offering attractive rewards, and harsh punishments to induce the desired behavior.

When you survey the state of world affairs with the sharp eyes of a geopolitical analyst, it’s pretty clear that it’s imperative for the United States to remain the world’s premiere military force, while at the same time withdrawing from needless entanglements. The danger of allowing a power vacuum to form is simply too great.

Ask yourself, which other country would you want to be the world’s number one superpower? If the choices are Russia, China, or the United States, it’s obvious which one would be best for the world as a whole.

The most likely scenario in the absence of U.S. supremacy is that the world would be ruled by communist or totalitarian forces. Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and other questionable regimes would all play a role.

If We Don't Want China To Rule The World, We Need To Stay Strong

If We Don’t Want China To Rule The World, We Need To Stay Strong

Considering the alternatives, it’s easy to make the case that the United States should remain in the dominant position among the world pecking order. The only way to ensure that is to put mortal fear into anyone who would challenge our primacy. It’s a tough business to be sure.

The executive order enshrines the maxim “Peace Through Superior Firepower” as national policy. Trump’s intention is to build a robust, unmatched military that brings hostile nations to the negotiating table instead of the battlefield.

Trump Signs Executive Order Titled Rebuilding the U.S. Armed Forces

Trump Signs Executive Order Titled Rebuilding the U.S. Armed Forces

The Executive Order, title Rebuilding The U.S. Armed Forces, deals with three areas:

Policy: It shall be the policy of the United States to pursue Peace Through Strength.

Readiness: The Secretary of Defense (Gen. Mattis) shall conduct a 30-day Readiness Review which will asses readiness conditions in the fight against Islamic terrorists.

Rebuilding the U.S. Military: The Secretary of Defense is tasked with producing a National Defense Strategy (NDS) by January of 2018. The NDS will establish a new direction in force planning, programming, and resource allocation.

The NDS shall include a review of our nuclear posture, a missile defense program, and a plan to achieve all readiness objectives before the year 2022.

During his presidential campaign, Trump took policy ideas from the Heritage Foundation, a conservative Washington think tank. With the help of respected senior advisers, he crafted a plan that is expected to add around $65 billion a year to the national defense price tag.

His plan includes adding tens of thousands of soldiers, raising the total number to 540,000. He vows to expand the naval fleet to at least 350 ships, beef up fighter jet inventory, and increase the number of Marine Corps infantry battalions from 24 to 36, which would include thousands of new Marines.

The American Military Will Modernize To Face Today's Threats

The American Military Will Modernize To Face Today’s Threats

The reason Trump has consistently hammered on the theme of “rebuilding” our military is that our armed services have undergone severe cuts over the past decade. Not only have our troop numbers dwindled, but we have failed to keep pace with modern technology and tactics, such as cyber warfare and urban guerilla terrorism.

Obama’s military directives had called for troop numbers to be reduced down to 450,000 by 2017, instead of Trump’s proposed 540,000.

As a portion of the GDP, our military expenditures have been steadily marching downward for many years. We are currently spending less than the Carter, Reagan, or Clinton administrations spent when adjusted as a percentage of the budget.

Army commanders have long complained about aging tanks, ships, and aircraft. Several modernization proposals submitted by top Generals have had to be scaled back or delayed, due to lack of funding.

While our rivals on the world stage have steadily increased their defense spending over the past decade, the U.S. has retreated, even in the face of growing threats.

With Trump’s executive action to cap off his first week, the U.S. armed forces will see that this president and his supporters are committed to their future success.

The post The 1 Executive Order Trump Signed The NO ONE Is Talking About, Now Revealed As Most Critical appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.


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