Trump Introduces Massive Regulation Cuts; For Every New Regulation Two Existing Regulations Must Be Cut!

Trump Makes Major Regulation Cuts

On Monday morning President Trump signed into effect massive regulation cuts that he described as “the biggest such act that our country has ever seen.”

The regulations that were signed into effect require agencies to cut two existing regulations for every new regulation that is created. This latest move fulfills another promise that the businessman turned President made while on the campaign trail after seeing the disastrous effects of Obama’s business crushing regulations.

From Yahoo:

President Donald Trump signed an order on Monday that will seek to dramatically pare back federal regulations by requiring agencies to cut two existing regulations for every new rule introduced.

“This will be the biggest such act that our country has ever seen. There will be regulation, there will be control, but it will be normalized control,” Trump said as he signed the order in the Oval Office, surrounded by a group of small business owners.

Trump’s latest executive action will prepare a process for the White House to set an annual cap on the cost of new regulations, a senior official told reporters ahead of the signing.

Where was all the outrage from Democrats and the opposition party (the media) when our jobs were fleeing our country?

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 30, 2017

Hopefully the paralysis of small business creation and growth will now be reversed.

— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) January 30, 2017

The post Trump Introduces Massive Regulation Cuts; For Every New Regulation Two Existing Regulations Must Be Cut! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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