BUSTED: 7 Country Muslim Ban Revealed As Obama Administration’s Original Executive Order

Wonder where Trump got the playbook from…

This weekend, on the heels of the travel ban issued Friday, leftist media seized on the gotcha opportunity to tag Trump with a Muslim ban. In so doing, they quickly overlooked the fact that the Obama administration had already noted these countries were proving grounds for terrorism with harmful potential for the U.S.

U.S. President Donald Trump has insisted that his temporary ban on the entry of people from seven Muslim-majority countries is not a “ban on Muslims,” noting that there are “over 40 countries” similar in the world, which are not affected by the measure.

“To be clear, this is not a prohibition against Muslims as the media have falsely reported,” Trump said in a statement issued by the White House. Trump signed a controversial decree Friday suspending the entry of all refugees for 120 days and the granting of 90-day visas to seven Muslim-majority countries with a terrorist record – Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Iran – until new surveillance mechanisms are in place.

For all practical purposes, Obama had essentially deemed these seven countries as no-man‘s-land, hell holes, and intelligence and military officials have understood this to be so for years now.

As of today, all 109 travelers who had been detained over the weekend under the auspices of the ban have been released

Trump said “My policy is similar to what President Barack Obama did in 2011 when he banned visas for Iraqi refugees.” for six months,

In other words, all of this hype is just media propaganda bent on building up an image of chaos and casting aspersions on the Trump administration. Clearly, taking precautions against these countries was already on the American radar as an option, but Obama was too scared to dent his image – he could never have implemented policies like this.

“This is not about religion, this is about terrorism and to keep our country safe,” said Trump. “My policy is similar to what President Barack Obama did in 2011 when he banned visas for Iraqi refugees for six months,” he argued. “The seven countries named in the executive order are the same as previously identified by the Obama Administration as sources of terrorism,” Trump said. The president stressed that the U.S. will once again “issue visas to all countries once we are sure that we have reviewed and implemented the safest policies over the next 90 days…My first priority will always be to protect and serve our country, but as president I will find ways to help those who are suffering.”

The provisional ban sparked chaos and indignation in the liberal world over the weekend as travelers were denied access to U.S. territory. A federal judge blocked part of the controversial veto on Saturday, in response to a lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) against Trump’s executive order, which called into question its constitutionality. Judge Ann M. Donnelly of the Federal District Court of Brooklyn, New York, ruled that refugees or others affected by the measure and who have arrived at U.S. airports cannot be deported to their countries. Following the magistrate’s ruling, federal judges in Virginia, Seattle and Boston made similar decisions.

There were protests at several U.S. airports. Frenetic, radical, left-wingers showed up to protest the ban taking effect. As of today, all 109 travelers who had been detained over the weekend under the auspices of the ban have been released. In other words, for the sake of 109 travelers who had to undergo temporary detention to rightfully enter the U.S., there were thousands of liberal protesters at airports across the country.

At several US airports. frenetic, radical, left-wingers showed up to protest the ban taking effect

At several US airports. frenetic, left-wingers showed up to protest the ban taking effect

These thousands of protesters held up traffic inside and outside of airports, obstructed other passengers in those airports, and generally caused a weepy nuisance for the sake of 109 people being detained for a matter of hours in the name of U.S. safety.

By contrast, a system-wide computer crash at Delta Airlines last night, stalled over 250 flights, resulting in travelers being detained from their flights. This may have hindered 2500 passengers or more. The same thing happened last August 2016 at Delta. In fact, airport disruptions, catastrophes, crashed computers, safety foul-ups, understaffing, and so on, have routinely disrupted air travel since 9/11 in this country.

The thought that the world would stand still in the liberal universe because 109 passengers were detained momentarily upon entry to the U.S. is an indication of the level of hyperbole and mass hysteria fanatical left-wingers are committed to upholding.

President's Trump's message to the nation

President’s Trump’s Facebook message to the nation about the temporary travel ban

Besides, how many Americans could just pop off to the airport for an afternoon of protesting with their liberal comrades? If you had to work, or were too tired from just having worked, you could not have gone. If you were hungry, had no money, or had children to take care of, then you could not have gone. In short, no one with a life, or any pressing responsibilities, could take off on a moment’s notice to cry and wring their hands all afternoon for the 109 oppressed Muslims who are being momentarily detained as they arrived in America.

Liberals always prove themselves to be lazy people who do not know what it is like to really work hard for a living. They always reveal themselves to be among those have been receiving a handout for most of their lives. Their biggest problem is they want a bigger handout. And they promise to get real mad and have a great big fit if they do not get a great big handout – real soon.

You will never see a business owner in a liberal riot smashing store owners’ windows. You will never see a Trump supporter saying we need to feel sorry for more people who need more handouts. Trump supporters are the kind of people who are too busy taking care of business, running their own businesses, and working hard to take care of their own, to stop and beg for a handout. Only a spoiled liberal child of success would even have the time and energy to beg for a person from another country to receive better treatment than their own neighbors.

The liberal protester is the spoiled rotten child of the American Dream, and here is the best part of all. Remember those 109 people who were detained over the weekend, and were finally allowed entry into our country? Those people are probably more grateful to be here right now than any post-American liberal ever has been. Today, those people know what it means to be lucky and fortunate enough just to be in America, and they are grateful for it.

The liberal protester is the spoiled rotten child of the American Dream

These liberal protesters are the spoiled rotten children of the American Dream

Meanwhile, back at the White House, the Trump team held their ground and stood strong. The insisted the ban was a huge success with minimal disruption. Top White House staffers, Kellyanne Conway, Sean Spicer, and Reince Priebus, spoke out over the weekend, each insisting they will not apologize for Trump’s travel ban.

This weekend, part of America was hiking up the emotion with their end-of-civilization-as-we-know-it antics. The liberals pounced on the travel ban to use it as fundraising fuel and wage media war against Trump. But, there was another part of America that never felt safer, never had a President who cared so much about their safety, and never felt more grateful to be an American.

The post BUSTED: 7 Country Muslim Ban Revealed As Obama Administration’s Original Executive Order appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.


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