The “Nasty,” Crude Women’s March and our Children

We all owe a debt of gratitude to the folks at the Washington Free Beacon (WFB). Those brilliant pot-stirrers did the hard work of watching all of the nasty, crude, vitriol-filled, hate-mongering speeches from Saturday’s many protests and then cut them all together to show us what our opponents are really like.

The WFB displayed footage from starlets Ashley Judd, Madonna, and Scarlett Johansson saying the most vile, disgusting things you can imagine.

However, to listen to any of the women who were marching, or offering support to the marchers, their entire purpose was to show their daughters that women are valuable, equal to men, or powerful. How this litany of revolting dialogue offers any evidence of this supposed equality or of the “power” of women, escapes this writer.

In fact, I would argue that this kind of speech accomplishes the opposite of what the marchers, protesters, and speakers all said they intended. How could any parent who truly cares for their children, their daughters in particular, allow the vile conversation being spewed by these women to enter the little ears of their precious children?

The always-brilliant Derek Hunter cut to the heart of the matter and exposed the madness that these marches were intended to edify the “children.”

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Amen to that. Parents teach your children well, don’t rely on celebrities, or the government to convey the message that your kids are valuable. All of our children are inherently and innately valuable, and it doesn’t matter what any famous people say, the truth of their value won’t change.

The post The “Nasty,” Crude Women’s March and our Children appeared first on The Constitution.


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