Senate GOP Delivers Major Blow To The Democrats: We’ll Fill Supreme Court Seat With Or Without You!

Senate GOP Takes The Fight To Them Democrats

Donald Trump is known by many to be a ‘mover-and-shaker’, so all the changes that are happening right now in the United States should come as absolutely no surprise to anyone.

Trump promised change and promised that he would straighten things out in Washington D.C. where Ted Cruz once famously said “I don’t know if it’s the water, something in the air, the cherry blossoms, but people get here and they stop listening to the American people.”

The Democratic party is in ruins losing over 1,000 seats nationwide to the disaster that was the Obama Administration and Republicans have started falling in line with President Trump to Make America Great Again.

The Senate GOP has a message for the Democrats: Like it or not, we are going to fill the Supreme Court seat with or with you.

From The Washington Examiner:

The Senate’s No. 3 Republican told reporters at a GOP retreat Wednesday the Senate will fill the Supreme Court vacancy even if Democrats threaten to mount a filibuster, and suggested the GOP may be ready to invoke another “nuclear option” if needed.

“We hope there are Democrats who are available to work with us and work constructively,” Senate Republican Conference Committee Chairman John Thune, R-S.D., said, adding that there will likely be “additional opportunities” for both parties to consult with President Trump on the nominee. “We will fill that seat.”

Current Senate rules require 60 votes to confirm a Supreme Court nominee, which means Republicans would need the approval of eight Democrats, assuming all Republicans are on board. Because the GOP ignored President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee for most of last year, most Democrats are likely to oppose any Trump nominee.

Republicans could also change Senate rules so that only 51 votes are required. The move would follow in the footsteps of Democrats, who in 2013 lowered the threshold to 51 votes for all executive branch and lower court nominees.

The post Senate GOP Delivers Major Blow To The Democrats: We’ll Fill Supreme Court Seat With Or Without You! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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