MORE WINNING: Economist Says Stock Market Gained $2 TRILLION in Wealth Since Trump Elected!

Economic And Financial Activity Has Boomed Since November 8th

The winning just keeps on coming with a new report of that says the stock market has gained $2 trillion in wealth since President Trump was elected.

Great! #Dow20K

— President Trump (@POTUS) January 25, 2017

From Fox Business:

“This could be the start of a big bull market rally,” Moore said on Risk & Reward, noting the market today crossed 20,000 point threshold.

Elizabeth MacDonald recounted how former President Barack Obama told a crowd in 2016 that Trump would need a “magic wand” to bring lost jobs and manufacturing back to America.

Moore said that statement, compounded with Democrats’ becoming “subservient” to billionaire Tom Steyer and his climate-change-advocate allies, have opened the door for union cooperation with the White House.

“We want jobs, not a radical climate change agenda,” Moore said in characterizing union bosses’ political mindset.

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The post MORE WINNING: Economist Says Stock Market Gained $2 TRILLION in Wealth Since Trump Elected! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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