5 Not-So “Mediocre Negroes” Give Lamont A Trump-Style Response For His Treason To Progress

Omarosa Manigault, White House Executive Committee Member next to President Trump, awaiting press.

If Marcus Lamont-Hill and Dr. Ben Carson sat in the same press room, could you identify the “mediocre negro?”

Marcus Lamont-Hill, a political commentator for Corrupt News Network, better known as CNN, made a shocking yet expected statement just before Inauguration Day about African-Americans meeting Donald Trump at Trump Tower.

Marcus Lamont-Hill used CNN as a soapbox to express his disapproval of Blacks who support Trump.

Marcus Lamont-Hill used CNN as a soapbox to express his disapproval of Blacks who support Trump.

In a live broadcast of Don Lemon Tonight, Lamont-Hill and three other political commentators, including Bruce Levell, were appalled at Lamont-Hill’s comments that the African-Americans present were “being used by folk by Donald Trump.”

Lamont-Hill soon directed his animosity towards LeVell and stated, ““Yeah, it was a bunch of mediocre Negroes being dragged in front of TV as a photo-op for Donald Trump’s exploitative campaign against black people. And you [LeVell] are an example of that!”

Lamont-Hill’s comments towards Trump supporters of his own race just another example of how intolerant the “tolerant” left acts when things do not go their way or match their reasoning. What liberals and left-wing pundits hate the most are Blacks do not fit into their narrative of ‘all conservatives and Republicans are racists.’

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In response to Lamont-Hill’s derogatory comments to the Black, conservative community, here are “five not-so-mediocre-Negroes” that make Lamont-Hill scowl on his Democratic plantation.

Bruce LeVell

Before becoming the Executive Director of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump’s campaign and now under Trump’s administration. Bruce LeVell was Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party for Gwinnett County.

Levell supported and orchestrated Trump’s rally in the predominately Black city of Macon, Georgia on his campaign trail.

Trump and LeVell during a campaign rally in Macon, Georgia.

Trump and LeVell during a campaign rally in Macon, Georgia.

Responding to the comment Lamont-Hill said to LeVell as being a part of the group of “mediocre negroes”, Levell had a few words for the CNN correspondent:

“Marc, you weren’t even there. You don’t even know what happened,” Mr. LeVell said. “First of all, Pastor Darryl Scott, Michael Cohen, they are in a process of bringing all types of people from all over the country, from all different backgrounds, like we have. Remember the diversity coalition where we reached out to all different types of people.”


LeVell after releasing a statement on Trump’s plan for urban renewal.

The National Diversity Coalition for Trump will remain a part of the Trump administration as a tool for growth of minority support. A vast majority of its members are Black. The Coalition stated, “We support Donald Trump and his solutions that address economic disparities, foster job creation, support small businesses, preserve faith & family principles and strengthen communities with conservative action.”

Katrina Pierson

Katrina Pierson, part-time CNN contributor and full-time Tea-Party activist, was hired as the National Spokesperson for Trump’s Campaign. Pierson challenged establishment Republicans politicians of behalf of Trump through a series of television ads, many of which she appeared in.

Spokeswoman Pierson on the campaign trail late last year.

Spokeswoman Pierson on the campaign trail late last year.

Pierson is now the Senior Advisor for the Presidential Transition Team. Pierson continues to fight naysayers and critics. On Inauguration Day, Pierson tweeted, “Day One Crew was harassed, mocked, set up, laughed at, attacked, belittled and scorned. Now I give you President Trump!”

Dr. Ben Carson

While it is rather perplexing why a former liberal arts professor would think of a Yale-graduate and pioneer in Neurosurgery would be “mediocre”, liberal logic is not meant to make sense.

After withdrawing from the Presidential campaign, Dr. Ben Carson became Vice Chairman of the Trump transition team. Successfully, heading the transition team as vice president, Trump nominated Dr. Carson as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

Dr. Carson was one of the first picks in Trump's cabinet.

Dr. Carson was one of the first picks in Trump’s cabinet.

Dr. Carson, who grew up in a pre-dominantly Black neighborhood Detroit in poverty and with a single mother, is living proof that with hard work and determination, poverty does not need to be a life-long hardship.

Dr. Carson has said nothing in response to Hill-Lamont’s “mediocre-negro” comment, which also confirms his dignified approach to an indecorous world of politics. Dr. Carson is also no stranger to name-calling, not even giving The Daily Kos the time of day when they called him “The Tea Party GOP Mandingo.”

Also, Dr. Carson is much too busy focusing on being confirmed for Secretary for Housing and Urban Development, which will happen soon enough.

Omarosa Manigault

Omarosa first impressed Donald Trump with her business sense in 2004 on the first season of Celebrity Apprentice. Fast forward 14 years later, Trump appointed her Director of African-American Outreach under his campaign.

Trump and Omarosa have stayed in contact since 2004.

Trump and Omarosa have stayed in contact since 2004.

Omarosa is now an Executive Committee in the White House. She assists President Trump and maintains a position on the Trump Transition Team.

The former-reality star, who is notorious for not withholding opinions, tweeted earlier this month, “Hollywood has no impact on the Will Of The People! Celebrities Freakin’ Out That They Cannot Influence What Is Happening In #DC!”

Ken Blackwell

Another prominent member of Trump’s transition team, Ken Blackwell is the former mayor of Cincinnati and is currently the Senior Fellow for Human Rights and Constitutional Governance at the Family Research Council.

Blackwell boldly defends pro-life.

Blackwell boldly defends pro-life.

Blackwell, a pro-life activist, has also earned a “A rating” from the National Rifle Association. According to Politico, “Blackwell will help map out the Trump administration’s national agenda, and manage a team dedicated to developing plans for the Department of Education, Department of Transportation, the Environmental Protection Agency, and Health and Human Services.”

Despite Lamont-Hill scathing comments on Blacks meeting at Trump Tower. President Trump was delighted at the meeting saying there was “great love in the room”. President Trump and the Black leaders discussed unemployment, shootings, education and shortcomings in the Black community. “They liked me, and I liked them,” Trump said.

As stated before, it is not uncommon for Black liberals and left-wing activists to use divisive tactics in attempt to bully their conservative, Black counterparts. Many Black conservatives deal with social media as well as real-life name-calling of being “coons” and the classic, overused “Uncle-Tom.” What these liberals often fail to debate with this logic, rather than name-calling.

Lamont-Hill so proudly flaunts his hatred, like a participation medal

Lamont-Hill so proudly flaunts his hatred, like a participation medal

In between tossing slurs on CNN, Lamont-Hill is slinging his book, appropriately called “Nobody,” through his Twitter feed.

The post 5 Not-So “Mediocre Negroes” Give Lamont A Trump-Style Response For His Treason To Progress appeared first on Conservative Daily Post.


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