HYPOCRITE: Elizabeth Warren Presses Cabinet Picks To Follow Ethics Guidelines; Chooses To Skirt Same Guidelines Hiding $1.3 Million

Democrats Continue Pattern Of Hypocrisy

Elizabeth Warren is the perfect victim, just like most Democrat politicians. Warren earned the nickname Pocahontas because of her dishonesty in claiming she is native American to aid her career.

From Legal Insurrection:

t’s a story which exposes her weak spot — she has perfected the politics of victimhood, yet she victimized one of the most historically victimized groups, the Cherokee, by using their identity to aid her career.

Her inability to acknowledge what she did and apologize reveals a character trait that is not very becoming.

Yet there are many other scandals and peculiarities in her past, as we have documented at ElizabethWarrenWiki.org, from inaccurate descriptions of her corporate legal work, to nickel-and-diming the federal electronic court docket system despite an almost million-dollar-a-year family income, to the flat out bizarre claim that she was the first nursing mother to take the New Jersey Bar Exam.

Now Elizabeth Warren is on capitol hill grilling Trump’s cabinet picks over ethics as she leads the her self-righteous charge for the cameras. There is only one problem, she doesn’t follow the same ethics she is demanding everyone else follow.

From The Free Beacon:

A U.S. senator who took advantage of a loophole in ethics laws to avoid disclosing a $1.3 million credit line against her home is now warning that incomplete financial disclosures from cabinet nominees put the country at risk.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D., Mass.) warning came in the Washington Post, where she wrote that “it is critical that each nominee follows basic ethics rules to ensure that they will act for the benefit of all the American people.”

Warren argued that financial disclosures are needed to “reveal potentially damaging information that may undermine fitness to serve” and that nominees with “complex financial histories” need to be “forthcoming and transparent.”

Warren, meanwhile, continues to skirt congressional ethics laws by failing to include a $1.3 million line of credit against her Cambridge, Massachusetts, home on financial disclosure forms.

The line of credit was extended to Warren and her husband Bruce Mann in 2007 through financial giant Bank of America. It was first noted by the Boston Herald after Warren failed to included the line of credit as a liability on her 2014 financial disclosure filing. It was also absent from her 2015 filing.

An aide for Warren, who is worth millions, defended the omission, stating at the time that a home equity line of credit like the one that Warren received from Bank of America doesn’t have the same reporting requirements as a typical home mortgage, which would have to be reported.

Last week The Gateway Pundit reported on another hypocritical Democrat, Al Franken.

Hypocrite Al Franken Criticizes Tom Price For Owning Tobacco Stocks That He Also Owns

From TGP:

The hypocrisy of the left is never ending. The latest example comes from Democratic Sen. Al Franken who on Wednesday criticized Rep. Tom Price for owning Tobacco stock in companies that he also owns stock in.


The post HYPOCRITE: Elizabeth Warren Presses Cabinet Picks To Follow Ethics Guidelines; Chooses To Skirt Same Guidelines Hiding $1.3 Million appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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