Category: Business

How to Be On Time, Every Time

I have this friend, we’ll call her “Late Kate” (See what I did there?). Kate is beautiful, fun and thoughtful. I love being around her. She also has a reputation for always being late. Kate is always late to dinners and get togethers. Her sons are regularly late for school. As they say, Kate probably will be late for her

Watch Out For These 4 Common Product Management Mistakes

You may find a potential employee who is impassion about your product, experienced in managing teams and marketing initiatives, and a great culture fit. All of these attributes, although impressive, do not make a good product manager. Product managers are often lauded as an early start-up’s most important hire, and it’s not a gross over exaggeration to say that your

How to Ensure Your Charitable Donations Make a Difference

Looking to donate to charity in 2017? You’re not alone. Americans gave a whopping $373 billion to charity in 2015. And while millennials so far have a mixed record in this category—they donate and volunteer with less frequency than any other age group—they’ve also redefined the terms of charitable giving through such innovations as crowdfunding. Sadly, some charitable efforts fall

Ways to Increase Employee Engagement Through Company Culture

Now more than ever, it is important for employees to feel connected to their work. Recent Gallup research shows that 87 percent of employees worldwide are disengaged or indifferent toward their jobs. Not only does this affect how employees view their own value within the company, it affects their motivation to put forth their best effort at work. One of

3 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Increase Their Luck in Business

Time catches up with us faster than we think. As an entrepreneur, too much opportunity is squandered while waiting for the metaphorical four-leaf clover of luck to appear. Meanwhile, your prospects dwindle on the vine as you ineffectively struggle to reach your goals by merely hoping for them. In reality, if you want luck, you have to be in action.

What Happens When Excuses & Bad Advice Win Out

Entrepreneurs are under a lot of pressure these days. Success isn’t a walk in the park either. Startups grow so fast that they simply don’t have time to correct their course even after they recognize their mistakes. It’s not easy to see why: a business that’s growing quickly tends to get the founder’s hopes up. A quickly growing business also

5 Powerful Ways to Promote Learning and Collaboration in Your Business

Peter Drucker coined the term “knowledge worker” in 1969 in The Age of Discontinuity. He differentiated knowledge workers from manual workers, forecasting that new industries will employ mostly the former. A few years before his death in 2005, in Management Challenges for the 21st Century, Drucker stated that accelerating the productivity of knowledge workers was “the most important contribution management

5 Steps to Get Control of Your Inventory Management

When you started your business, you likely had goals and dreams of running the perfect business. It would have all the must-have items, excellent customer service and quick shipping, all wrapped up into one amazing package. As your company has grown, you’ve found it’s been a fight to do more than just break even. Rest assured you’re not alone. Forty

It Takes Two to Tango – Get Your Agency in Step From the Start

Knowing exactly what information to give away to your new or prospective communications agency can sometimes be tricky. No, you don’t need to tell them what happened at the office Christmas party last year. BUT no, they’re not mind readers either. They don’t know what you want to get out of a campaign or your partnership unless you tell them

How Small Businesses Plan to Grow in 2017 (+54 Stats on the State of SMB)

90% of online small businesses expect to grow their revenue in 2017. 45% expect to grow more than 25% year over year. This data, collected from a survey of 596 BigCommerce customers, mirrors that of the National Federation of Independent Businesses’ report, which found small business optimism and confidence in the economy is at a 12-year high. While the NFIB’s